Orson is a comprehensive sales force automation solution, which a company can deploy to plan, monitor and extract details on key performance indicators in a cost effective & efficient manner. Field Force working in the field can use this online sales force automation solution to submit the calls, manage account and contact information and monitor their coverage. This sales force Tally integrated solution provides various features which also helps to propel your business.
The sales force Tally integrated solution offers pre-defined levels of access to the information for the field force, after strict verification, from anywhere, at any time and using any device online or from mobile. This is fully dynamic, mobile and tablet supported tool and can be accessed from Android devices.
- Target Vs actual revenue achieved by salesforce on individual basis
- Measures KPIs set for Sales Team
- Provides comparative sales figure analysis
- Displays real time Revenue for a defined period area wise/ zone wise, channel wise and product segment wise

“We Opto Systems (S) Pte. Ltd.is a leading supplier of premium medical systems, diagnostic and surgical products designed to serve the healthcare needs of people throughout the world. We were using UBS Software since 2002 for our business solution. In 2012, due to some limitation and performance issue we have decided to replace to any ERP Software. During that exercise we have found Orson Automation (S) Pte Ltd as Tally Partner, who have done Data migration from old software to Tally ERP 9 Software, and customized various documents we were used to and customized many reports as per our needs. We have signed Annual maintenance contract since then we are getting prompt and effective support then and there required. Orson team’s knowledge in Business Software automation and skill set is very useful and helpful for our organization’s IT growth. We appreciate Orson Team.”

“Pan Asia Resources implemented ERP 9. We felt it’s a right decision as we could do consolidation of our branches located in several countries having multiple currencies. We were able to generate customized reports that are value adding to us. User friendly customization have enabled us to work faster and better. Orson has been very receptive in understanding our requirements and deliver them within the time frame. Good work!”

“We wish to place on record our appreciation for Orson Automation (S) Pte Ltd regarding implementation of the Tally ERP 9 package for our Company. We commenced training for all our staff for the Tally package around the 3rd Quarter of 2011 with good support from Orson Automation (S) Pte Ltd. We then had a smooth and successful migration of data from our old software to Tally ERP 9 in 2012. Around 2012 we commenced work for customization of Sales commission in close co-ordination with Orson Automation (S) Pte Ltd and this customization is now working well for us as it was specifically designed to suit our requirements. We feel quite happy in choosing Orson Automation (S) Pte Ltd in partnering us for a smooth and successful implementation of Tally ERP 9.”

“We utilised the services of Orson Automation to design our website and search engine optimisation in 2014. Mr D Raghu Nathan is very proficient who understood our needs in a single meeting and provided us a detailed plan with a time line for implementation. He advised us on the content and graphics for a better layout and ease of navigation. The Orson team completed the development of our website and launched it as per the schedule. Mr Raghu Nathan’s experience and industry insights helped us to refine our content and today our site appears in the first page of Google search for products handled by us in Singapore. We thank Mr Raghu Nathan and his team for their professional advice and expertise at a very cost effective price. Thank you and wish you all the best”

“Tally ERP 9 has been designed very thoughtfully and has been customized by ORSON AUTOMATION very efficiently. Initially the invoicing and processing of Shipping documents were done manually. But with the help of the customized Invoicing modules our shipping documentation requirements have been taken care by the click of a button. The more you use it, the more you find it flexible and user friendly. Even better part is the approach of its team members who are always willing to take suggestions from us and improve the software according to the individual business needs. Using the customized Tally ERP 9 for our Accounting and shipping documentation has been very fulfilling and satisfying.”
Nulla non leo sed diam vestibulum scelerisque nec et felis. Curabitur scelerisque magna eu magna ornare convallis. Phasellus cursus justo vel lectus faucibus, ac dignissim purus venenatis. Morbi eu arcu ut felis tincidunt gravida. Praesent nec diam eu arcu mollis tempus sed imperdiet urna. Etiam pulvinar felis vel tortor eleifend ullamcorper ut sed dolor.
Nulla non leo sed diam vestibulum scelerisque nec et felis. Curabitur scelerisque magna eu magna ornare convallis. Phasellus cursus justo vel lectus faucibus, ac dignissim purus venenatis. Morbi eu arcu ut felis tincidunt gravida. Praesent nec diam eu arcu mollis tempus sed imperdiet urna. Etiam pulvinar felis vel tortor eleifend ullamcorper ut sed dolor.
Nulla non leo sed diam vestibulum scelerisque nec et felis. Curabitur scelerisque magna eu magna ornare convallis. Phasellus cursus justo vel lectus faucibus, ac dignissim purus venenatis. Morbi eu arcu ut felis tincidunt gravida. Praesent nec diam eu arcu mollis tempus sed imperdiet urna. Etiam pulvinar felis vel tortor eleifend ullamcorper ut sed dolor.
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